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Thread: Human Body Framing - DoF Cheat Sheet

  1. #41
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Chesterfield, Missouri/Melbourne, Australia
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    Re: Human Body Framing - DoF Cheat Sheet

    Thanks Ted...I really appreciate your detailed explanation...

    (As for my signature: G'day is an Aussie phrase for "Hi!" or "Hello" ... and since my preference for Glock handgun as my carry, it is for "G'lock" or "Good Luck!" if one happens to threaten me and my family. Sort of short for "Good Day and Good Luck!")

  2. #42
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Human Body Framing - DoF Cheat Sheet

    Back in the days of "virtually" non-interchangeable lens cameras such as the speed graphic (which could switch lenses although almost no one ever did) or the Rolleiflex or other cameras of that ilk; I always shot with manual flash. Instead of estimating the flash-subject distance and dividing that into a guide number to get the f/stop; I would learn the f/stop for a head shot, head and shoulders, full shot and a shot of two people. Since the distance (not switching lenses) was almost exactly the same each time I shot, I knew from what I was shooting; the f/stop I should use.

    It's a lot easier to shoot these days with the various TTL flashes - especially when bouncing flash of the ceiling...

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