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Thread: Nobody Cares ?

  1. #1

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    Nobody Cares ?

    I was inspired by Christina S thread “ How to provide a constructive and effective critique” and the replies that shows the excellent level of this Forum.
    I have a similar question that bothers me.

    I often send my photos to friends and family, photos I want to share with them and in which they have often taken part or shared the same experience.

    In most cases there is not a comment or even an acknowledgement .

    As I experiment with all types of photography and want to share it, I thought there would be some response or interest.
    Do they not like the photos, quality bad,I'm too pushy, nobody cares.... Have any of you CiC members experienced something similar ?

    The exception is my daughter but she is also an avid photographer.

    Grateful for pointers from this Forum / Patrik

  2. #2

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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Perhaps it's just a reflection of modern day living. I'm reminded of the time I went through the McDonald's drive though; Guy at the window said "Hey mate - how are you today". I replied "I'm dying - 2 hours to live", to which he replies "here's your food - hope you enjoy it - and have a nice day".

    Says it all really.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Photography is a passion for us. For most people it is such a commonplace thing with so many images taken and shared with Facebook, Instagram, and such that your friends may be desensitized. Plus, I might not send actual photos unless asked. I think a lot is just lack of interest. Not in you in particular, but in photography. Most stuff is an acquired taste even unbelievable photography. So, you might have to be more passive and pique their interest subtly rather than giving them unsolicited pics with possibly a hint of guilt. When you get on the Today Show and sell prints for $5K a piece, they will rue the day they ever ignored you.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    I have a few reactions.

    First, I agree with Larry, although I would put it differently: don't send people much. Scott Kelby advises people to display only their best. People are inundated with photos and other electronic communications and won't respond often.

    Second, don't expect comments (as opposed to acknowledgements) from most folks. In my experience, most non-photographers don't comment, and if they do, it is only to praise a few that they like the most--pleasant feedback to get, but not all that helpful.

    Third, to avoid inundating people, I rarely send photos. I put the photos in a separate gallery on my smugmug site and send a link.

    Finally, I am old-fashioned: I think that if one sends people--infrequently--photos of special events (or links to them), a simple thank-you is in order. It takes only seconds to a reply to an e-mail with thanks. Many people no longer bother replying. I think that is rude, but there is nothing to be done about it. And to be clear, I am not pointing my finger at people younger than me. I find that many people my own age also no longer bother replying.

  5. #5
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Hi Patrick,

    I think that all the replies have covered all the different aspects of your question very well. The only thing I can think of to add is that some folks of the older generation prefer to look at printed photos. My Mom adores my photos but hates computers so I share them with her by printing small copies...

    Perhaps when you share with others on the internet, invite some comments just by asking something simple and/or titling your photos and including a short story behind the photo, or simply asking what they like about the photo might help.

  6. #6

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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Thank you guys for your inputs.
    Colin - I had to laugh at your example, quite simple, people don't listen, don't look and don't care.
    Larry - Agree that people get desensitized, often somebody sends me " 100 of the best , weirdest or unusual photos and often in power point format.
    Dan - I do send few photos, mainly what "I" think will interest them. And I have a gallery to which I don't expect many comments, mainly because it may be too big. Finally I must agree that an email reply isn't too much to ask for.


  7. #7

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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Sorry Christina, I didn't see your reply. You may be right but as many of my friends/relatives live in other countries printed photos are not an easy option. And I invite comments as photos are often of a photo-journalistic type with action but still rare comments.
    Suppose one has to live with the fact that I like them myself which is satisfying.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Now I am interested. Do you have a link to your site so I can see what your friends may be overlooking? For better or for worse, I do often leave comments.

  9. #9
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Hi Patrik,

    No worries. If it makes you feel any better my best friend from childhood, whom I adore and beg to view my photos, never even bothers to check out my photos on my facebook page, but she always checks up on her daughter.... So perhaps having an interest in photography is an important factor.

    And I have several friends who absolutely abhor my pelicans, pigeon and geese shots, so the subject matter also has to be of interest... Manners well, it would be nice if everyone took the time to say thank you but it's a fact that many people don't bother.

    Quote Originally Posted by pat3pee View Post
    Sorry Christina, I didn't see your reply. You may be right but as many of my friends/relatives live in other countries printed photos are not an easy option. And I invite comments as photos are often of a photo-journalistic type with action but still rare comments.
    Suppose one has to live with the fact that I like them myself which is satisfying.
    Last edited by Brownbear; 28th September 2013 at 06:20 PM. Reason: typo

  10. #10

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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Why should they care/comment?

    If you're after praise, a pat on the back, whatever, and you get it - thank them.

    If you're not after any praise, pat on the back, whatever and you don't get it - so what.

    If you want to "force"/expect people to care/comment, do they owe it to you?

    A modern quote says it all:

    " Just do it."

  11. #11

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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    I recently visited an art show and spent some time with an exhibiter whose work I liked...he wasn't as concerned with the ones I liked, numerous ones...he was more concerned about the ones that I didn't like.
    If you are a good self C&C type, you can usually tell why it doesn't work.

  12. #12
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Stop sending them the Photos.

    Wait for them to ask for some, next time.

    If they are interested in seeing them: they will ask.

    For those who do ask for a copy of the photo as a keep-sake of a shared experience or of a topic in which they are interested -then YOU ask them for some feedback.


  13. #13

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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Quote Originally Posted by pat3pee View Post
    Colin - I had to laugh at your example, quite simple, people don't listen, don't look and don't care.
    I think it's just the generation gap. When some pimply-faced 17 year old calls me "mate" what run's through my mind is "I'm a SIR - I'm not your 'mate'. I'll never be your 'mate' and I have no intentions of ever "mating' with you". When they say "have a nice day" my first thought is "Don't tell me what to do!".

    Perhaps I'm just old and grumpy these days!

  14. #14
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Perhaps I'm just old and grumpy these days!

    Experienced and Realistic.

  15. #15

    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    I'm lucky in that I have a large number of friends who are interested in photography. I guess it may have something to do with the fact we are all ex-pats living abroad who enjoy travel. A couple of family members are also interested but other than that I think most people either don't have an interest or may like photos but not have an interest in commenting on them.

  16. #16
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    Patrik - people are bombarded with poor quality images and sound from all over.

    There are so many camera phone images and videos that people share daily that the view of "quality" has gone right through the floor. When I was younger, sound quality was important and people spent lots of money on high quality sound systems, yet today's iPhone generation listens to terrivle mp3 sounds on tiny ear bud speakers that have no dynamic range at all. The same is unfortuantely true for images; the blurry camera phone image and videos have become the norm. and most people cannot understand why we drag around complex camera systems when they get "good" images with their iPhones and iPads.

    Sign of the times, unfortuantely.... The masses of the unwashed never did understand the art of Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier-Bresson and Yousef Karsh, so how can we mere mortals assume we can compete.

  17. #17

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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    If they are not photograpers of equal standing they perhaps do not know what to say and don't want to offend you with a crass remark. Your work maybe their rubbish ..... This should be further up the thread but so many got in ahead of me

    Manfred 16 ....Now I realise I am a member of the great un-washed despite a daily shower since I used to listen to classical on a transister radio, far better that than deprive oneself because family do not share one's interest, and I doubt of my current set-up is much better, I bought it to play 5 Cds in succession ..... and was not impressed by AA, HCB but recognise they were good in their day. but then when a Master's collection, old paintings, visited town my impression was 'what a load of c..."
    Each to their own ...
    Last edited by jcuknz; 29th September 2013 at 07:57 AM.

  18. #18

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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    I thank you all for your good advice. There are obviously lots of reasons why people do not interact with photos received so I'll be content with doing what I like without expecting outside involvement.
    Glad to be part of this CiC family though.

  19. #19
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nobody Cares ?

    I usually only show my images to friends and get an immediate response, whether positive or negative. I've sent copies to some family members of images I like and think they will like to display, usually the response is positive/ So I think a possible option for you is to be selective what you share, even if you think they might be receptive; the subject may be so common that they don't share the same enthusiasm towards it as you.

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