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Thread: Weymouth by Rail

  1. #1

    Weymouth by Rail

    Since it is hammering it down again I thought I would revistit some of the summer photos. I love the old British Rail posters so heres the first attempt at emulation. I intend to make a better job with some other images I have. Just trying the concept really.


    Weymouth by Rail

  2. #2

    Re: Weymouth by Rail

    Really great lines and colours, I like it a lot (and am old enough to remember the originals )

    I think that if the front deckchair was in sharp focus it would be a stronger image - or is that as a result of the PP work?
    Last edited by GillR; 8th November 2009 at 06:23 PM. Reason: Edited because I can spell but my fingers can't!

  3. #3

    Re: Weymouth by Rail

    Thanks for the comments Gill. I was very close to the first deck chair so it was just outside of the depth of field. I agree that I need to ensure even depth with this type of image in future.


  4. #4
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Weymouth by Rail

    This is something I like and I would like to recreate on my daughter's echographies of my first grand son/daughter.

    It is true however that an echo has much less information than you beautiful image.

    What I like in it is the variety of colors, the repetition of the shapes and the shallow DOF.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Weymouth by Rail

    I like this too, plenty to look at (and try to figure how it really looked ).

    Only thing I'm not sure about is the sharp poster thingy above the third chair, in top left corner.
    It looks a little incongruous being square on and so sharp, and yet, if it were not there, I think the whole would be worse.

    Good effort though, as is usual from yourself.

    OK, I've changed my mind; another thing that I wondered about was the noise in the image, now this may be intentional, but I did ponder whether it would look better with all the colours silky smooth, like fresh gloss paint, the effect you get when you over-cook the noise filter in say Neat Image - do you know what I mean? Just an idea.


  6. #6

    Re: Weymouth by Rail

    Thanks Antonio and very best wishes for your daughter and her child. Pipe and slippers for you young man

    Dave, I knew you would pick up on the poster. I had the very same thoughts as I was processing. The HSV noise is added in an attempt to get that poster like grain. Thinking about it the originals of these rail posters were very sharp and smooth quality prints so you have a very good point.

    Not all images are suitable for colour inversion and when they are it still takes a bit of messing with levels to get all the saturation at a relatively equal level. This image just cried out for it.


    Edit; Original image added

    Weymouth by Rail
    Last edited by Wirefox; 9th November 2009 at 08:31 PM. Reason: I'm a dozy g*t

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Weymouth by Rail

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for showing us the original, a real revelation.

    Ah, now I see; the PP effects 'lost' the cylindrical gradation of the posters, making them look very flat and 2D on the finished poster art. Something to watch out for (and exclude) next time - ain't hindsight wonderful

    I'm still blown away by your vision in turning the original into the final, very well done,

  8. #8
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Weymouth by Rail

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    ... I'm still blown away by your vision in turning the original into the final, very well done,
    You do realize the difficulties when you try to do it !

  9. #9

    Re: Weymouth by Rail

    Thanks guys. I trip through PP with childlike abandon....something has to turn out right at some point...doesnt it?


  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Weymouth by Rail

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Thanks guys. I trip through PP with childlike abandon....something has to turn out right at some point...doesnt it?
    Ah, the old 'monkeys and typewriters' method


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