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Thread: Large and Small

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Large and Small

    These two similarly shaped architectural landmarks are within blocks of each other in Rosslyn, Virginia, just across the Potomac River from Washington, DC. Captured in 2008 and converted to black-and-white today.

    Any particular feeling about whether or not the composition of either one of them works for you?

    Large and Small

    Large and Small

  2. #2
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Re: Large and Small

    Mike, I'm going for the comp in #2. #1 Is striking at first glance but there's a conflict, in that the buildings in the background have wonderful lines and detail, but they are simply overwhelmed by the size and luminosity of the large dome. I'm sorta interested in the buildings but my eyes can't really spend any time there. With the scene the way it is, I would just try to erase the light stanchions and branches in the foreground.

    #2 Is a beauty. Since the big ball is so close to the lens, I'm curious as to its actual size, compared to the tunnel further on down??

  3. #3
    escaladieu's Avatar
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    Re: Large and Small

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    These two similarly shaped architectural landmarks are within blocks of each other in Rosslyn, Virginia, just across the Potomac River from Washington, DC. Captured in 2008 and converted to black-and-white today.

    Any particular feeling about whether or not the composition of either one of them works for you?

    Large and Small

    Large and Small
    In #1 the large structure is overwhelming IMO. For #2 If it were mine, I'd crop like this :

    Large and Small



  4. #4
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: Large and Small

    Mike. My vote is for #2. For me with #1 the sphere seems to be an unwanted intrusion which just happened to pop into frame as you pressed the shutter and was not part of the original composition. I like Jeff's crop of #2 as it really brings the shape contrast between the ball and the tunnel to the fore and yet they seem to complement each other shape wise. Nice story there. In my imagination I keep expecting the ball to roll down through the tunnel.
    And B&W seems to be a perfect choice for this shot.

  5. #5

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    Re: Large and Small

    #2 for me too.

    Would have loved a shot of #2 angled in such a way as if the ball was going to roll into the tunnel.

  6. #6

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    Re: Large and Small

    Mike; I like the closer crop on #2 that Jeff suggested however the numbers on the right building now jump right out at me. So I am wondering of a closer crop on that side of the image (to the pillar on the left) and some cloning out of the numbers might improve the image even further?

  7. #7

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    Re: Large and Small

    Thanks to everyone for the helpful replies!

    I asked about the compositions for two reasons. In the case of the first photo, though I've always liked it because the large sphere dominates in such a way that it feels like it's about to devour the city, nobody I've ever shown it to particularly likes it or sees it that way. In the case of the second photo, I've always thought it was close to being right but not quite there without knowing why.

    I think Jeff's crop is an improvement, though it tells a different story. For all of you who would like to have the impression that the ball is rolling toward the tunnel, I wonder if I would need a ladder for shooting from above to give that impression.

    Lon, I think the ball is about 8 - 10 feet (2.5 - 3 meters) tall but it has been so long since I have seen it that I'm not sure.

    Shane, to address your thinking, I made the quickie crop shown below that took less time than cloning to remove the numbers on the building.

    All: This little park with the ball and tunnel has some other very interesting characteristics not revealed in this photo. Your discussion invigorates me to revisit it and give everything another go. Thank you!

    Large and Small
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 29th January 2013 at 01:50 PM.

  8. #8
    escaladieu's Avatar
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    Re: Large and Small

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Thanks to everyone for the helpful replies!

    I asked about the compositions for two reasons. In the case of the first photo, though I've always liked it because the large sphere dominates in such a way that it feels like it's about to devour the city, nobody I've ever shown it to particularly likes it or sees it that way. In the case of the second photo, I've always thought it was close to being right but not quite there without knowing why.

    I think Jeff's crop is an improvement, though it tells a different story. For all of you who would like to have the impression that the ball is rolling toward the tunnel, I wonder if I would need a ladder for shooting from above to give that impression.

    Lon, I think the ball is about 8 - 10 feet (2.5 - 3 meters) tall but it has been so long since I have seen it that I'm not sure.

    Shane, to address your thinking, I made the quickie crop shown below that took less time than cloning the numbers on the building.

    All: This little park with the ball and tunnel has some other very interesting aspects and your discussion invigorates me to revisit it and give everything another go. Thank you!

    Large and Small
    This Crop is good - introduces the surreal ...


  9. #9
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Large and Small

    #2 for me as well, I like Jeffs crop. The last crop for me just does not work at all.

  10. #10
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: Large and Small

    The square crop solves the numbered building problem, but I don't think it's as strong as Jeff's version. Removing the right edge of the frame removes some of the implied motion (I'm with the guys who are expecting the sphere to roll through the tunnel), which is odd since these are both stationary structures. I'd try cloning out those numbers on Jeff's crop. Should be pretty easy with such a uniform background.

  11. #11

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    Re: Large and Small

    I agree with Paul and Lex that the last crop isn't as effective as Jeff's crop would be if the numbers on the building were removed. I produced it only as a quick nod to Shane's idea of eliminating the distraction of the numbers on the building. Removing them in my system would require moving the image to Dropbox, opening the image on another computer that has software with an effective cloning tool, applying the cloning process, saving the image in Dropbox, moving the revised image to the original computer. After doing all of that, I still don't think the image would stand up to the scrutiny that all of us are giving it. I'd rather revisit the site and attempt a series of photos that hopefully produces at least one dramatically improved image.

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