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Thread: My first shot for critique from Canon 1000D

  1. #1

    My first shot for critique from Canon 1000D

    Hi All,

    Like Walshy I also bought a Canon EOS 1000D recently. Before this I only can afford a Canon point & shoot camera. But Walshy is lucky to have 2 lens kit, mine only one lens 18-55mm. Please give some advice on how far can I go with my lens. Attach here with a picture from my Canon 1000D.

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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 18th July 2009 at 09:08 AM. Reason: Copy post and add image inline

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: My first shot for critique from Canon 1000D

    Hi puyoungtea,

    The quick answer is quite a bit further (with that lens), you can considerably improve a shot like this in post processing (PP).

    This biggest single problem with this is the composition.
    Like you I don´t have the luxury of extendsion tubes, macro lenses, et al that make this kind of shot easier and bigger straight from the camera, so what I do is this ....

    The subject is the ant(?) on the bloom right, so lets make that bigger by cropping more aggressively. I would suggest making it a square picture by chopping off 15-20% on left and 35-40% on right.

    Then consider levels adjustment to make sure we´re using the full tonal range.
    I would also try some local contrast enhancement with the Un Sharp Mask (USM) - there´s a tuttorial on that here at CiC.
    Then a bit of sharpening, again I use USM for this.

    Exactly how you do all these things depends what software you´re using to PP; we might be able to give you more help if we knew that (assuming it is one of the popular ones).

    Hope that helps,

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