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Thread: A Friend

  1. #1
    Ollokot's Avatar
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    A Friend

    A friend of mine organised a display in a local pub of photographs and memorabilia from an event that took place 58 years ago, he put a lot of time and effort into it and after we had a chat it came to be that I would try to take some photos depicting his concentration and effort. Your C&C would be most welcome, I don't know if the photos did justice to all his efforts.
    Best Wishes Pat

    A Friend

    A Friend

  2. #2
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: A Friend

    Pat, your efforts were good but not enough
    For someone like me who is not used to the atmosphere of a pub your images don't show it. I understand that you are so used to this atmosphere that you do not see it anymore. It is perfectly normal. It happens with everyone

    Please, try to capture the ambiance on the pub. As far as I remember from a pub in the Republic of Ireland I remember the coziness and the light coming from the windows. Soft light as the Sun was hidden behind the clouds...

    There was some lights on and those lights were orange, reddish. Beautiful. Just beautiful.
    The light in the pub plays an important role. Do not keep your photograph only to the gentleman himself.

    Envolve him in the coziness. Envolve him in the ambiance/atmosphere. Envolve him with his work. Envolve US (ourselves, the viewers) with his photographs on the wall(s) and himself.
    Get broader views, involving ones.

    Unfortunately I can't show you any of my images from Ireland as an accident occurred and they are gone (this makes me cry) but try the way I have been describing if you wish.

    Pubs have so much photographic power. They are so nice inside...

    Take advantage of the gentleman posing for you. Place a glass of beer on the table. Give ambiance.
    Oh OK I am repeating myself and I said enough

    Hoping to see more photographs.

  3. #3
    Ollokot's Avatar
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    Re: A Friend

    Hi Antonio,
    Many thanks for your comments,the photographs were taken early in the morning before opening time, my friend was early because it was the day to take the display down and he wanted to do it early before the patrons arrived.
    It was only the night before that we arranged to take some photographs.
    Once again thank you for your comments,
    Best Wishes Pat

  4. #4
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: A Friend

    Quote Originally Posted by Ollokot View Post
    Hi Antonio,
    Many thanks for your comments,the photographs were taken early in the morning before opening time, my friend was early because it was the day to take the display down and he wanted to do it early before the patrons arrived.
    It was only the night before that we arranged to take some photographs.
    Once again thank you for your comments,
    Best Wishes Pat
    As far as I understand you do not have the chance to photograph again... a shame indeed Pat

    I do like pubs you know ...

  5. #5
    WJT's Avatar
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    Re: A Friend

    I love the light coming through the window. Just needs a beer or coffee or something to set the scene a little more.

  6. #6

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    Re: A Friend

    I have to agree with the other posters here - the light is lovely, the pictures are sharp and well exposed, and your friend has an interesting face.......but....
    ....they don't really say anything - they are neither reportage or proper portraits.
    You have plenty of props around but you're not really using them.
    Sorry to be so critical and I hope you keep trying.

  7. #7
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: A Friend

    Pat, I tried something. How about it ?
    Shall I keep it or you want me to erase ?

    I like best the version. More... can I say: In the mood / according to the ambiance ?
    Version 1 and Version 2
    A Friend - A Friend

  8. #8
    Ollokot's Avatar
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    Re: A Friend

    By all means keep it. I like both of your versions,and in fact have asked my friend if he wanted a black and white but he wanted to stay with the colour.
    Thank you very much for your time in processing the images,very nice indeed,
    Best Wishes Pat

  9. #9
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: A Friend

    And yet...

    A Friend

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