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Thread: Problems Transferring Photos to Computer

  1. #1

    Problems Transferring Photos to Computer

    Hi to all!

    I had some trouble with my camera. (Canon Powershot A 470).
    I canīt transfer the photos to the computer. Donīt know whatīs wrong.
    Yesterday evening I try the option with two different memory cards.
    The orginal from Canon and another one, which I bought new by Amazon
    (Memory Card from SanDisk SDHC Card 4 GB). The camera works fine with both cards
    I had a cable for the camera with USB.
    I put them directly into the computer and in an external USB Socket
    Nothing happens. The problem with the transfer appeared yesterday, before everything
    was okay
    Do you think it could be depend on the cable? Or is something wrong with the camera?
    I donīt have a card reader. I only use the USB Cable.
    I can`t continue posting photos until the problem is solved

    I would appreciate any help.
    Sorry about my english. I hope itīs explained it understandable.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Troubleshooting

    My Daughter has just had the same problem with an Olympus.

    I recovered the images with RescueDisk which was included in my Sandisk packet. It was a 'pro' Extreme so you might not have got one with yours.

    Basically we don't know what caused it but the symptoms were:

    Windows stated it had to be formatted before use (don't).
    Explore or browse refused to provide any images or clues.
    Back in the camera it only offered 'format' or 'card setup'.

    Obviously we did none of the offered options as we knew the images should be there. I think, not sure, my Daughter added images when the card was full, or the battery went flat when shooting the last image.

    Others may know of other software safe to download and use to recover them which is freee of charge. Be wary of just accepting anything Google might bring up - viruses abound!

  3. #3

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    Re: Troubleshooting

    Sounds like some settings on the camera are wrong. From a quick Google, there is a transfer settings page on the camera that you need to go to and then select which images to transfer. If the computer isn't seeing the camera, try connecting something else to the USB port to prove that the USB is working or not.

  4. #4

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    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Brigitte View Post
    Hi to all!

    I had some trouble with my camera.
    Hi Brigitte,

    I hear of these things quite often. If you can still review the images on the camera after you've taken them then chances are Windows has just got it's "knickers in a knot".

    The standard suggestion that many give (myself included) is simply to get a card reader ... they're only a few dollars, and generally solve these kinds of issues completely.

    Some things that you might like to check ...

    - I take it that you've restarted your computer?

    - Tried another USB slot on the computer?

    - Is the camera in the right mode for transferring?

    - Any computer knowledgeable friends who can help?

    Hope these suggestions help!

  5. #5

    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by SteveF View Post

    Thanks much for your help.
    I check the cards and reformat them, after trying to get the problem under control and change the battery.
    The battery which have been before was in the camera was half flat. It doesnīt help.
    I take to consideration to delete the Canon Software and reinstall all Programms.

    Also I resetting the camera into the default settings. It doesnīt help

  6. #6

    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by JonathanC View Post
    Sounds like some settings on the camera are wrong. From a quick Google, there is a transfer settings page on the camera that you need to go to and then select which images to transfer. If the computer isn't seeing the camera, try connecting something else to the USB port to prove that the USB is working or not.
    I had four USB ports. One is used be the mouse and the other by the printer.
    The free USB ports mostly I use for the camera.
    I try out an put the printer and the mouse into the other ports, then I printed a test-side.
    The mouse also works. I try the camera cable as well into the other USB-Ports.
    No reaction from the camera.

  7. #7

    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hi Brigitte,

    The standard suggestion that many give (myself included) is simply to get a card reader ... they're only a few dollars, and generally solve these kinds of issues completely.

    Some things that you might like to check ...

    - I take it that you've restarted your computer?

    - Tried another USB slot on the computer?

    - Is the camera in the right mode for transferring?

    - Any computer knowledgeable friends who can help?

    Hope these suggestions help!

    Dear Colin!

    Before I get mad about the problem. I should consider to buy card reader.
    To your Check-List:
    After I restard the computer the problem exist.
    It doesnīt works in all USB slots
    Yes, the camera was in the right mode
    I have no idea. There are friends which are knowledgeable on Computer
    but not in Digital Compact Cameras.

    Thanks much to all for your help..

  8. #8

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    Re: Troubleshooting

    Here some troubleshooting by Canon

    To add some.
    What does your computer when you mount an USB-stick, does it work?
    Updated security yesterday? (firewall)
    Something with permissions (user/administrator-mode)
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  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Troubleshooting

    Hi Brigitte,

    Well for public consumption, the things still relevant from my PM sent before I saw this thread are;
    Did you install or upgrade any software on the computer since you last used it OK?

    Can you try a different USB cable between camera and computer (do you know another Canon user)?
    Can you try your camera+cable on a friend's computer?
    Can you try a friend's camera+their cable on your computer?


  10. #10

    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by d3debian View Post
    Here some troubleshooting by Canon

    To add some.
    What does your computer when you mount an USB-stick, does it work?
    Updated security yesterday? (firewall)
    Something with permissions (user/administrator-mode)

    I mount the USB-stick and all four slots. It works.
    I had a Anti-Virus-Progam on Computer, which updated automatically every day.
    Donīt have a firewall, because my Windows had a Hardware Firewall.
    I use the computer in admistrator-mode.. I think so?
    Thanks much for the link, study the side later.

  11. #11

    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Brigitte,

    Did you install or upgrade any software on the computer since you last used it OK?

    Can you try a different USB cable between camera and computer (do you know another Canon user)?
    Can you try your camera+cable on a friend's computer?
    Can you try a friend's camera+their cable on your computer?


    Thanks Dave .
    No software updates. I have no idea if my photo-software updated automatically.
    Donīt know who here in the house uses Canon. There are over 80 lodger living here.

    I guess it will be the best to buy a card-reader.

    Otherwise it will be difficult.

  12. #12

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    Re: Troubleshooting

    It's beginning to sound like a camera problem. Are you able to try plugging the camera into someone elses PC?

  13. #13

    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    It's beginning to sound like a camera problem. Are you able to try plugging the camera into someone elses PC?
    Yes, I think that is possible.
    But does it works without the Canon-Software.

  14. #14

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    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Brigitte View Post
    Yes, I think that is possible.
    But does it works without the Canon-Software.
    With a card reader you can just click -click -click to where the images are stored and then copy / paste them to your computer.

    Not sure what your using (if anything) to manage them though, so that bit might change a bit.

  15. #15

    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    With a card reader you can just click -click -click to where the images are stored and then copy / paste them to your computer.

    Not sure what your using (if anything) to manage them though, so that bit might change a bit.

    Ah, I understand.
    Thanks much for the information.


  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Brigitte View Post
    Yes, I think that is possible.
    But does it works without the Canon-Software.
    Should do if a Windows PC.

    Plug in, wait for Plug and Pray to say it has installed a driver and if you go to My Computer, it should show the camera alongside the removable disk/pen/usb drives.

    This may depend on having the camera set as a "mass storage device" in an option in its menu system though.


  17. #17

    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Should do if a Windows PC.

    Plug in, wait for Plug and Pray to say it has installed a driver and if you go to My Computer, it should show the camera alongside the removable disk/pen/usb drives.

    This may depend on having the camera set as a "mass storage device" in an option in its menu system though.


    Yes, it is a Windows PC...
    Thanks much for your help.

  18. #18
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Troubleshooting

    Hi Brigitte,

    Thinking on it, if the problem is with your cable or camera, it will fail at the first hurdle, as Windows may not even see it, so if it doesn't say "Detected new hardward" when you plug it in and nothing appears to happen and the camera isn't visible with the other drives, I guess that excludes your computer.


  19. #19

    Re: Troubleshooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Brigitte,

    Thinking on it, if the problem is with your cable or camera, it will fail at the first hurdle, as Windows may not even see it, so if it doesn't say "Detected new hardward" when you plug it in and nothing appears to happen and the camera isn't visible with the other drives, I guess that excludes your computer.


    Good Morning!

    Yes, after I try every suggestions and options, itīs possible that the problem depend on the cable.
    You are right my Windows doesnīt accept the hardware from the computer. The message never appear.
    Can I install the drives from the Setup-CD manually

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