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Thread: How to decrease the image file size?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    How to decrease the image file size?

    I want to decrease the image file size for the realtor I am shooting for. The images I shoot are in RAW so the file size is 9-10 MB. After I process the images, I convert them to jpeg and then the image file size decreases to I think 4-6 MB. The realtor is going to put the photos onto his website but the images have to be a smaller size. I am going to ask him what the dimensions that the photos have to be online but for the time being how can I decrease the file size? I also use photoshop CS5 extended, bridge, and Lightroom if that has anything to do with decreasing the file size.


  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Hi Tyler, in PS CS5 open the image and in the Image menu, Image Size, enter the long side they need in pixels and the short side will, if linked, adjust accordingly. When you save the file as JPEG, you can also reduce the file size if need be.

  3. #3

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    Hi Tyler, in PS CS5 open the image and in the Image menu, Image Size, enter the long side they need in pixels and the short side will, if linked, adjust accordingly. When you save the file as JPEG, you can also reduce the file size if need be.
    Wow is that easy, how come I couldn't think of that.

  4. #4
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    in lightroom, file - export - image settings - check limit file size box (enter size) or image sizing check resize to fit box (enter w x h) or combination of the 2

  5. #5

    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Hi Tyler:

    A very easy way in Lightroom to make several small JPGs at a time is to go to the Web module and click on Flash Gallery, at the top right of the module; go down the module and put in your info if you desire, don’t forget to click on copyright and make the quality @ 100%; then click Export, at the bottom right, to the folder of your choice and you will have a Flash Gallery Bin with “large, medium and small” photos of excellent quality suitable for the web and emailing.

  6. #6

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Just a couple of extra thoughts, Tyler.

    If you make a substantial reduction in size the image may become slightly soft and require a little sharpening to firm things up a little. I normally use Unsharp Mask around 50% at 0.5 radius, but this isn't a fixed amount and other people may use different settings.

    Also, regarding size reduction. It is often recommended to use the Bicubic Sharpener option when making reductions but personally, I don't like the results, which is why I prefer to use the Standard Bicubic options then sharpen as required with Unsharp Mask.

    Secondly, what compression ratio do you use when exporting your Jpeg's?

    The Best Quality Jpeg setting may still produce a rather large file; while reducing the quality slightly makes a substantial size saving without too much quality loss.

    But you will have to be guided by what the user prefers.

  7. #7

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Just a couple of extra thoughts, Tyler.

    If you make a substantial reduction in size the image may become slightly soft and require a little sharpening to firm things up a little. I normally use Unsharp Mask around 50% at 0.5 radius, but this isn't a fixed amount and other people may use different settings.

    Also, regarding size reduction. It is often recommended to use the Bicubic Sharpener option when making reductions but personally, I don't like the results, which is why I prefer to use the Standard Bicubic options then sharpen as required with Unsharp Mask.

    Secondly, what compression ratio do you use when exporting your Jpeg's?

    The Best Quality Jpeg setting may still produce a rather large file; while reducing the quality slightly makes a substantial size saving without too much quality loss.

    But you will have to be guided by what the user prefers.
    Thanks for the tips. I still have to talk to the realtor and see what the dimensions are for his online website. Then I can save the image to those dimensions and then sharpen it like you said.

  8. #8

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Both IrfanView and Faststone Image Viewer (both FREE) have options to resize images for web use. I have no experience with Faststone but have often used IrfanView's Save for Web functionality. It can reduce a 4-6Mb .jpg to a few hundred Kb and amazingly the image still looks good.


  9. #9

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Quote Originally Posted by stuck View Post
    Both IrfanView and Faststone Image Viewer (both FREE) have options to resize images for web use. I have no experience with Faststone but have often used IrfanView's Save for Web functionality. It can reduce a 4-6Mb .jpg to a few hundred Kb and amazingly the image still looks good.

    Thats exactly what i need. I'll look at it.

  10. #10

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    I downloaded and used faststone image viewer. Its easy to use and I decreased the file size to a few hundred kb. I barely lost if any image quality.

  11. #11

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Quote Originally Posted by Canonman13 View Post
    I downloaded and used faststone image viewer. Its easy to use and I decreased the file size to a few hundred kb. I barely lost if any image quality.
    Glad to be of help.


  12. #12

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark von Kanel View Post
    in lightroom, file - export - image settings - check limit file size box (enter size) or image sizing check resize to fit box (enter w x h) or combination of the 2
    this doesn't seem to be an option in my version of lightroom 2.7; i click on file>export, but i see no "image settings" choice; could it be "export with preset" then click on "for email" ?this latter choice will really shrink the image size down

  13. #13
    Ronny's Avatar
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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    I am a Realtor for 25 years and take also pictures for other Realtors, who are hiring me to do a job.
    On most MLS systems the pictures size are 640 by 480 pxls, but I gave the Realtors a CD with pictures in the size of 1800 by 1200 pxls. These latest sizes are use for brochures, websites and newspaper ads.
    Base on above info you crop and control it with pxls.

  14. #14

    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Your realtor no doubt knows the dimensions that he wants for the photos, but unless he's pretty internet savvy he may not know too much about file size. For the internet small is still beautiful especially if people visiting the site have a slow internet connection.
    The easiest and one of the best solutions for you is to open your photo in CS5, then go to the file menu and click on "save for web and devices" you then select the dimensions in the "image size box" make sure that bi cubic sharper is selected in the dropdown menu; then in the tabs at the top click on "2 up" to get a before and after view. Now once again up the top right hand side you will see another dropdown box here you select jpeg and just underneath another dropdown to select the compression quality, try each one and you will see beneath the compressed image the new size and download time for different download speeds.
    To give you an indication, a 300 x 200 px image can have acceptable quality at around 20 to 30k, a 900 x 600px 200k. (This depends upon the quality of the original image).
    Hope tuis helps!

  15. #15

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    i agree with Stuck Irfanveiw is very handy for resizing your images for web use

  16. #16

    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Quote Originally Posted by pat brennan View Post
    i agree with Stuck Irfanveiw is very handy for resizing your images for web use
    Virtually every major program: Lightroom, Photoshop, Elements, etc. resizes pixs for the web. Why would one want to purchase yet another program?

  17. #17

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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronny View Post
    I am a Realtor for 25 years and take also pictures for other Realtors, who are hiring me to do a job.
    On most MLS systems the pictures size are 640 by 480 pxls, but I gave the Realtors a CD with pictures in the size of 1800 by 1200 pxls. These latest sizes are use for brochures, websites and newspaper ads.
    Base on above info you crop and control it with pxls.
    Yeah see that's what I wanted to know. He needs the photos for the MLS system and they said that it has to be under 1000KB. They did not say anything about pixel dimensions. I want to give him a CD for the photos of different sizes but he said that his computer freezes up for a photo over 2MB.

  18. #18
    Ronny's Avatar
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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Most MLS systems do have an auto compression system. I can upload up to 35 pictures of 1800 by 1200 pictures in one shot and the MLS system will make them all 640 by 480. The larger the size the longer it takes to reduce them.
    The much larger sizes I work with are reduced with Element 9. Piece of cake.
    Lucky our MLS system is one of the most important once in California. It is called MATRIX and the system has been choosen for whole California.

  19. #19

    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    Quote Originally Posted by Canonman13 View Post
    Yeah see that's what I wanted to know. He needs the photos for the MLS system and they said that it has to be under 1000KB. They did not say anything about pixel dimensions. I want to give him a CD for the photos of different sizes but he said that his computer freezes up for a photo over 2MB.

    A 1000K is quite large for the web. Most very acceptable jpgs are about 300K. I think that you are confusing Bytes with PPIs. The key is resolution. In general 72 should be fine. Let the program do the work for you. Don’t break your head over this.

  20. #20

    Join Date
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    Re: How to decrease the image file size?

    The images I downsized are 400KB and less. I used Faststone photo resizer so I could get the images that size for the web and I barely lost any quality. I could be confused with PPIs and bytes. The resolution is also 72.

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