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Thread: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

  1. #1

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    Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    I have seen a Konica Minolta Dynax 5D body for sale and wonder if it would take the Minolta AF lenses from a Minolta Dynax 7000 I have inherited from an uncle, but rarely use as, not only is it a film camera, but I really dont like the way it handles and feels. As I have a whole set of these Minolta AF lenses it seems to make sense to try and find a second hand Konica/Minolta digital body to allow me to utilise these lenses. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    Quick answer - yes.

    Longer answer - yes all the Minolta, Konica/Minolta, Sony, Sigma Tamrom...etc auto focus lenses are compatible with all the afore mentioned branded bodies. The mount as stayed the same from the very first AF Minolta 7000 to the very latest Sony A55. If you can get the camera for cheap then give it a go, some of the lenses may not be up to much optically but they're free so who cares.

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    Re: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    Many thanks Robin. That is very helpful. I take the point about the lenses, but that is not the point in a sense. By virtue of the fact my uncle wished me to have his camera I feel I ought to make use of it just in his memory and I have tried. But I just can't get on with the Dynax 7000 and now, with digital, it seems a bit pointless to shoot another film camera (I already use others that I much prefer for shooting film) so getting a compatible digital body to be able to use his lenses makes sense as long as I can pick a body up for a reasonably cheap price. Incidentally my uncle was the reason I took up photography and he gave me my first camera - a Yashicamat TLR when he was upgrading to a 35mm SLR. I was about 12/13 at the time and watching him feuled an interest that has beeen with me now for near 50 years - so I think I owe him. He was also a great bloke with an incredible WW2 war record, so someone whose memory should be cherished.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    Quote Originally Posted by Malcgeorge View Post
    I was about 12/13 at the time and watching him fueled an interest that has been with me now for near 50 years
    And for that reason alone, you're right to pursue the path that you're on.

    There's an excellent article about photographer Jonathan Stead in the August issue of Black & White Photography in which he discusses his approach to and enthusiasm for, the unpredictability and magic of working with things other than the latest digital technology. His work has got light leaks and all sorts of 'imperfections' and the article quotes him as saying, "I've come to the realisation that with a few simple, even broken, tools you can create images that far surpass what's in your imagination."

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    Re: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    Thanks Donald. I like the quote and Jonathon seems to be a guy I could get along with - I have always had a liking for old stuff and getting it out and making it work. Because actually some of the yesteryear engineering is as fine workmanship and design as you will ever see, and was only hampered perhaps by the materials available at the time. So I will get a Dynax digital and use those lenses, but I will also use my film cameras that go back to a 1930s Box Brownie that is simplicity itself, but if you know its limitations and use it accordingly can still give lovely pics! However, I will also use aging digitals as well, as they may well be the revered vintage cameras of the future. Yes, Jonathon is right if you have the imagination just even to try with those simple, even broken, tools

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    Re: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    Robin and Donald, I thought I would report back that I have now purchased a Konica Minolta Dynax 5D on ebay at what I consider a reasonable price and it comes with a Minolta 18-70 zoom lens plus bits and pieces. So thank you for taking the time to post replies here and let me know the lenses I have will fit it. I will use it with more emotional attachment than my Canon digitals, even though it might not perform as well.

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    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    Brilliant. Well done. Please do let us know how you get on ... and show us some of the results.

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    Re: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    Donald. It will be interesting comparing the Minolta with Minolta lenses against my Canon 5D and L series Canon lenses. I know the outcome, but what will be interesting is how much of a difference there might be. Then I just have to crack up loading to CIC. Must give it another go soon.

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    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    Quote Originally Posted by Malcgeorge View Post
    Donald. It will be interesting comparing the Minolta with Minolta lenses against my Canon 5D and L series Canon lenses. I know the outcome, but what will be interesting is how much of a difference there might be. Then I just have to crack up loading to CIC. Must give it another go soon.
    Indeed. the quality will, I'm sure, not be as good - as we define that term in these days of perfection in lens quality. However, the more intriguing question for me is - which will produce the more interesting images. That could be a very different outcome.

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    Re: Konica Minolta Dynax 5D

    I took the 5D out on a trip the other day (02/08) to the British Army Small Arms Museum at Warminster. All shots were indoors mostly using a Tamron 28-105 f3.5 lens. It performed OK. I attach a pic from inside the museum taken using the KM 5D.

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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th August 2011 at 05:16 PM. Reason: add image inline

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