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Thread: The eyes have it...

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    The eyes have it...

    Some from yesterday.

    The eyes have it...

    The eyes have it...

    The eyes have it...

  2. #2

    Re: The eyes have it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    Some from yesterday.

    The eyes have it...
    Ta daaaa! A shot of a Canada Goose that I've never seen before! The water droplets are great! I'm not sure if the catchlight/reflection in it's right eye is a happy thing or not. Also, I'm not sure about the crop/composition. I think that maybe, a portrait orientation might have been better to get more of it's lovely head - the head is disconnected from it's body in a funny way. (actually, it's making me giggle but that's just me!) Well, I'm no expert so these are just thoughts.

    The eyes have it...
    Mmmmm, if this were my photo - in iphoto I would take down the highlights a little and, well, this needs more color, I think. Cute and so lovely clear!

    The eyes have it...
    Is this a good friend of yours?

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: The eyes have it...

    Thanks Katy.
    Goose - we have so many here that we sort of get tired of their poo and rush rush to grab any food that is thrown around. They are overfed as it is. The poor ducks in the 2nd pic are what happens when one species dominates - they slink off to the side to avoid being bullied.

    I do have the full on but that is just another goose shot so got a bit "artistic" hehe As for the eye yes it was taken just as he lifted his head out of the water and it was sort of receding down his eye hence that effect. Next shot almost all the drops had fallen off so was somewhat lucky here.

    Ducks - agreed. Was only meaning to show the brotherly/sisterly love and those amazing warm eyes.

    Dog - yes very friendly but not mine. All dogs here seem very friendly. Just a few moments earlier a big lab decided to wipe his slavering mouth and nose over my tshirt. Here again the intent was to show the eyes but he was constantly fidgeting and only stopped when the lady gave it water.

    As the title says - just the eyes.

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